Wednesday, September 12, 2012



I was asked to join a campaing on for Glade Expressions. I was sent a BzzKit containing my coupons for the Expressions Kit where I could grab the mist and oil free of charge. Finding the kit was difficult because everywhere I went was sold out!!! But we lucked out at our fourth stop, TARGET!! I picked up the fuji apple and cardamom spice kit, and it smells INCREDIBLE!!! If you have seen our video where I give you a quick tour of our apartment, you can see its not that big, but the Glade Expressions fills up the entire place, and it lasts for so long!! I love coming home and being SMACKED with the GREAT SMELLING STUFF!!! =) Great Job Glade!! I shared some coupons with family and friends, but I kept a lot of them because I plan on stocking up!! I want to try all the scents!!! Lol!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Here We Are!

Guys we have gone thru HELL!! Our pregnancy turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy meaning the baby esa growing outside my uterus in my tube. I received medical treatment to end the pregnancy on July 23, 2012 and as of August 27, 2012 I was no longer pregnant. I was three months pregnant. :.(
My emotions have been a complete mess. I celebrated my birthday on 8/14 and tried to just let go of everything I could. We are slowly gettin better. Tot has been my rock and I cannot be anymore grateful for her. I spent so much time in tears that it feels like such a blessing to have her put a smile on my face. We aren't jumping rite back into TTC just because the doctor recommends we wait 6 weeks and let my body get back to normal. I started my first period after the pregnancy on 9/7 and it hasn't really been painful but jus super heavy. Tot and I will both be starting second jobs soon so our time togetha is so precious. Our 3 year anniversary is knocking on the door 10/20 and we plan on goin to NY :-) So right now its about falling in love all over again before we continue this journey. We will still be makin our updates and sharing our life wit whoever wants to be a part of our world. Thanks for all your support.  

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Monday, September 3, 2012

What's The Buzz?! Unreal Unjunked!

<img src="" alt=""/>

I Was Askd To Join Dis Campaign As A Member Of BzzAgent. Credit Goes To BzzAgent.Com For Giving Me The Opportunity To Join. They Sent Me My BzzKit Containing The Coupons For Unreal Unjunked. BECOME A MEMBER AND JOIN CAMPAIGNS! When I First Got The Candy I Was On The Move So I Was Eating Them Rather Quickly. They Tasted Delicious, I Grabbed The Chocolate Covered Peanuts That Are Similar To M&Ms. There Is A Distinct Difference In Taste But There Shud B! This Is Unjunked!! I Passed Coupons On And Had A Few People Try Them. I Didn't Get A Bad Reaction. I Am Definitely Purchasing More

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Where Have We Been?

Well everyone... Things have been intense for us. On July 15, 2012 we found out I was pregnant. However the doctor is certain its an unhealthy pregnancy because my levels are low, and not doubling... They are barely rising. I had a shot of Methotrexate on July 23, 2012 however it didn't drop my levels the way it should've. So on August 9, 2012 I had an Endo Biopsy done to test the tissues so the doctor can tell if the baby is in my uterus or not. Our baby cannot survive this, unfortunately because it is a health risk for us both. On Monday, August 13, 2012 I should have the results. I have been bleeding irregularly and if it continues I will need surgery to attempt fetus removal, however since the baby is tiny, chances of surgically finding it are very minimal. So please just pray for us.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Well, the evil witch has made her appearance guys. Im not pregnant, she came two days early this month. BOOOOO!!! I was super upset and discouraged because I seriously feel like I may not be able to have kids! BUT! IM BETTER!!! So after I spoke to my mom and told her how I was feeling she really made me feel a lot better and I know that it will happen, and it is all in time =)
I am going to see my doctor and have them check out my sickness and see if I should be on any medications to make this easier. So yes we are taking a TTC break BUT we will continue to update on our changes and especially on what the doctors say. So we hope to keep our followers, and supporters because you guys truly make this that much easier on both of us. Daddy and I are hurt, but we going to make the best out of our summer just loving each other and making it a super memorable one. We are still planning our wedding and it is very exciting. We are okay because we have one another to lean on. God knows what he's doing and I have full faith in him. =)

Thank You Everyone!


Friday, June 22, 2012

Cycle Day 23: 11 DPO

Hey everyone. Yesterday I was feeling a little crampy when I woke up and my boobs are seriously getting worse. I've also been slightly nauseous at times, just kind of feeling my food come back up. Aside from that...Oh and tired...but that is about it. I forgot to mention I've cried the last three days lol. Anyway, so me and daddy decided why not take a test today. Now its Friday and my period isn't due until Wednesday, so I am testing kind of early, but hey. I am kind of confused considering my period usually comes 14 dpo which would be Monday, and Wednesday is 16 dpo. But I also ovulated early and all that mess. So Idk! Well I took a clearblue digital and it said "Not Pregnant" -.- it could be because its still early, or it could be just that I'm not pregnant. Idk! I will wait now to see if my period shows up. I am kind of bummed but at the same time it is all in Gods hands and he knows what he's doing.
I have thought about it though, and if this cycle doesn't work I think we should hold off for another month. Just because its stressful and the anxiety that comes with TTC is serious. Also it would give me the chance to get checked up with my doctor and discuss my Endometriosis. Well everyone ttyl.
Baby Dust!


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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Cycle Day 21: 9 DPO

Hey everyone! Well, yesterday was a long day! It was my first day off from work, and I spent the day catering to Daddy, which I love doing! Made her what she asked for dinner, rubbed her down, let her relax and watch tv. It was just about her. We fell asleep for 3 hours and when I woke up I felt like I was going to PUKE!! We woke up around 8pm, and I was back to sleep at 10pm until 7am this morning, and again, felt like I was going to PUKE! Today was HOT AS HELL!!! We took a trip to the beach with family, than came home and I cooked dinner, now daddy is working =(
All day my boobs have been KILLING me!!!! My nipples hurt so BAD!! Also, I been nauseous throughout the day, and it is driving me CRAZY! It's like my food keeps coming up and just never settles! I cannot take it! I am still short of breath, and I had a headache today but I think it was from my ponytail, not really relating it to any symptoms. Still super duper bloated and gassy, that just refuses to STOP! LOL! Hey if it leads to a baby then I'll take it ALL! ;-) Well that's all for now!

Baby Dust!